99U Quarterly Magazine :: Issue No.4
The 99U Quarterly Magazine - Issue No. 4
99U Quarterly Magazine :: Issue No.4
At 99U, we recognize that reading about idea execution online is a catch-22: the web browser isn’t always the ideal environment to lean back and shun the emails and notifications that distract us in our day-to-day. To help offer a reprieve from the madness, we are happy to publish the 99U Quarterly, a print publication offering our best creative insights packaged in a beautifully designed pixel-free format.
The fourth issue, like the ones before, was a two-color combination of black, white, and yellow (Pantone 116 U). However, for the first time ever we introduced CMYK on select pages to give more attention to pieces that two-color wouldn’t do justice.
We eschewed normal headlines and pullouts for a more human, handwritten style. And when we did rely on type treatments, using the font Surveyor we played with the letters as illustration. Editorially, we introduced several new sections that focused less on paragraphs of text allowing us to experiment with more visual elements like flowcharts, while also highlighting our interviews of notable creatives with powerful portrait images. The cover, by Steven Darden, offers a look at the internal battle creatives face—one where the greatest obstacle to making ideas happen often lies within.
CREATIVE DIRECTION: Raewyn Brandon & Matias Corea
DESIGN: Raewyn Brandon
EDITORIAL: Jocelyn K. Glei, Sean Blanda, & Sasha VanHoven
ILLUSTRATOR: Steven Darden

Cover and 'Workbook' Illustrations by Steven Darden