99U Quarterly Magazine :: Issue No.3
99U Quarterly Magazine - Issue No.3
99U Quarterly Magazine :: Issue No.3
At 99U, we recognize that reading about idea execution online is a catch-22: the web browser isn’t always the ideal environment to lean back and shun the emails and notifications that distract us in our day-to-day. To help offer a reprieve from the madness, we are happy to publish the 99U Quarterly, a print publication offering our best creative insights packaged in a beautifully designed pixel-free format.
This issue we went big on bold conceptual illustrative elements to introduce each feature article. Our normal palette of black and white was freshened up with teal (Pantone 333U) and we relied on the beautiful Vitesse as our accent font of choice. All of these elements were put into play with new, elegant, thin patterns that acted as section breaks and interstitial quotes.
The cover, by MUTI, is a counter-intuitive take on the concept of fall, which is usually viewed as the beginning of the Earth's yearly cycle of decay and renewal. Instead, we viewed fall as the time to begin anew: this is when school begins, sports seasons start, and it becomes much easier to get back to work after a long summer layoff. Close observers will see the actual early bird grabbing its worm.
CREATIVE DIRECTION: Raewyn Brandon & Matias Corea
DESIGN: Alejandro Torres Viera
EDITORIAL: Jocelyn K. Glei, Sean Blanda, & Sasha VanHoven

Illustration by James Victore

Cover and 'Workbook' Illustrations by MUTI