99U Book Design :: Manage Your Day-to-Day (Vol 1.)
A 99U Book - Manage Your Day-To-Day
Manage Your Day-To-Day
A 99U Book
Are you over-extended, over-distracted, and overwhelmed? Do you work at a breakneck pace all day, only to find that you haven’t accomplished the most important things on your agenda when you leave the office?
The world has changed and the way we work has to change, too. With wisdom from 20 leading creative minds, 99U's Manage Your Day-to-Day will give you a toolkit for tackling the new challenges of a 24/7, always-on workplace.
Featuring contributions from: Stefan Sagmeister, Seth Godin, Gretchen Rubin, Dan Ariely, Steven Pressfield, James Victore, Scott Belsky, Leo Babauta, Tony Schwartz, Erin Doland, and many more.
COVER & BOOK DESIGN: Raewyn Brandon
EDITORIAL: Jocelyn K. Glei

Find out more at: 99u.com/books